I get asked almost EVERY day if the plant-based meat alternatives like the Impossible Burger or the Beyond Burger are good for our health.
Before I answer that question, you need to know that these plant-based meat alternatives were formulated over years to be almost exact replicas of the texture and taste of meat, but without using a live animal.
What does meat have in it that people like?
So these meat substitutes also have a lot of fat.
Saturated fat to be precise.
A standard Beef burger patty (say, From McDonalds - which is not the best quality, but it's a good comparison) is 67% fat, most of that is Saturated fat - the fat that clogs your arteries and gives you heart disease amongst other nasty things.
An impossible burger is 53% fat - again, most of it saturated.
So, in that sense, is it healthier? Not by much
BUT. . .
This is what store bought plant-based burgers have going for them:
1. They are MUCH better for the environment, using a fraction of the water and land resources as a meat patty
2. They are MUCH better for the animals - none of which are tortured and killed in the process of making said burger
3. They have no cholesterol or hormones, or medications or chemicals that are present in meat.
So, in that sense they are better. But eating them instead of a meat burger is only marginally healthier.
What can you do instead? Make your own . . . with WHOLE FOOD!!!
It's so easy.
Throw the ingredients in a bowl.
Shape into patties.
Freeze the rest for later.
Here is my SECRET formula for the PERFECT veggie burger.
Choose your favorites in each of the categories to make the burger that is perfect for YOU.
ENJOY! Make your own and tell us about it in the comments.

I LOVE Autumn and all the lovely flavours that come with it. Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Orange. So yummy.
Usually pumpkin soup is full of cream - or if it's vegan, it's full of cashew nuts to mimic that creaminess.
I've come up with a way to make this soup luscious and creamy WITHOUT any dairy and WITHOUT added fat, sugar or salt. So it's nut free too!
I used 2 types of pumpkin, Butternut and Kambocha, but you can use any kinds you like. I like these varieties because they add a really nice sweetness. And, if you are a pumpkin purist, you may say they are not pumpkins at all, but in fact are squash. Well, in my world if it's hard and orange and has pumpkin seeds inside, it's a pumpkin.
I used Essential Oils in this recipe to get the complex Fall flavours. They are so versatile and delicious, but be warned - they are very potent! Just a drop or two will do it and ALWAYS only use the Young Living Culinary Vitality Oils as these are safe to eat. Of course, if you want to use dried spices too, that will be fine.
A little sage might be lovely as well. Just spice it to your taste.
Let me know if you make this soup and leave a comment below.
Happy Fall Y'all!
Usually pumpkin soup is full of cream - or if it's vegan, it's full of cashew nuts to mimic that creaminess.
I've come up with a way to make this soup luscious and creamy WITHOUT any dairy and WITHOUT added fat, sugar or salt. So it's nut free too!
I used 2 types of pumpkin, Butternut and Kambocha, but you can use any kinds you like. I like these varieties because they add a really nice sweetness. And, if you are a pumpkin purist, you may say they are not pumpkins at all, but in fact are squash. Well, in my world if it's hard and orange and has pumpkin seeds inside, it's a pumpkin.
I used Essential Oils in this recipe to get the complex Fall flavours. They are so versatile and delicious, but be warned - they are very potent! Just a drop or two will do it and ALWAYS only use the Young Living Culinary Vitality Oils as these are safe to eat. Of course, if you want to use dried spices too, that will be fine.
A little sage might be lovely as well. Just spice it to your taste.
Let me know if you make this soup and leave a comment below.
Happy Fall Y'all!

- 1/2 small Butternut Squash
- 1/4 Kombacha Squash
- 1/2 Large Onion
- 3-5 Cloves Garlic
- 2 Medium potatoes
- 4 cups Salt Free or Low Sodium Veggie Stock
- 2-3 Drops Pumpkin Spice Essential Oil Blend (see below)
Roughly chop the squashes, and onion. Add to a baking tray with the garlic.Bake at 375 degrees for 30-45 minutes or until cookedMeanwhile, peel and chop the potatoes and cook for 20 minutes or until soft in the veggie stock.Make a Pumpkin Spice Essential Oil Blend. Into a small glass bottle, decant: 2 parts Cinnamon, 1 part Clove, 1 part Nutmeg Vitality Essential Oils.When everything is cooked, peel the garlic and transfer everything to a high speed blender.Add the essential oils 1 drop at a time. Blend and taste. I used 3 drops total. (Add 1 drop , blend taste. Add another drop, blend, taste etc till you get the desired flavour).Reheat and serve .

This recipe is SO easy. It is great with oatmeal, on top of pancakes, or as a yummy dessert all on its own.
I make it weekly and use it every day on top of my porridge. It's so yummy and so sweet - without the need to add any sugar.
It's a Winner! It only takes 5 minutes to make.
When fruit is abundant in season, you can make large quantities and store it in the freezer. Let me know if you give it a try.

Who doesn't LOVE cookies?
What I don't love is the abundance of sugar, oil and salt in most cookie recipes.
I want a sweet treat, but without the hangover afterwards. Am I right?
I just made these delightful little Christmas cookies and cannot wait to scoff myself with them.
In fact, if I eat the entire batch over the next few days, I will not care one bit.
These cookies are so healthy, you can have them as a snack with a cup of tea, or grab and go a handful for breakfast in the car!
They are chewy and delicious - full of all the lovely Christmas flavors including spicy ginger, warm apple and tart cranberry.